A London holiday

The best way to stay out of people’s business is to know what this business is.

Where would I put a finger?

Gemma is really a bit second tier.

You can’t do cocaine with a broken nose. So I asked my maid to give me a booty bump and she quit.

– I didn’t want Adam dead.
– Then why mention him in my presence?

Madre Linda

– You have spiked their blood sugar.

– Oh no, these raspberries cupcakes are sugar-free!

– There’s sugar in raspberries!

Given all you accomplished, how do you stay so humble?

Love is mostly chemicals. Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin. To activate all three, exercise, eat some protein, squeeze in eight hugs a day.

And if you get too overwhelmed just use the safe word: hakuna matata.


For those with an IQ greater a certain number, life is is almost unbearable.

I‘m glad we met. I‘m glad we’re friends.

I‘m just saying… are you being your most amazing self right now?

I‘m not a maybe. I‘m the one.

My worst fear is not to be bad but unremarkable.

I have a rare, chronic bladder disease called interstitial cystitis. Some people think I’m being uppity, but I can’t have any fast food. And if I drink, it has to be a high pH, you know, like Ketel One or Goose and pear juice.

Britney got through 2007, though, right?

None of us liked Peach. But we loved her.